Rain Harvesting Leaf Eater Commercial (Zinc) 150mm


SKU: RHCL22 Category:

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Leaf Eater Commercial (Zincalume)


Designed for commercial applications, this rain head incorporates a maintenance-friendly single screen to keep leaves, debris, pests and mosquitoes out of your rain harvesting system.

Using quality rainwater can help you save significantly on your building’s operating costs and water bills – even if you only use it to flush toilets. Built to handle high flow rates, our commercial rain heads help you capture enough water to enjoy these cost savings.

Designed for commercial applications

Our Leaf Eater Commercial Rain Head is made from polypropylene, incorporates a 0.955mm stainless steel mesh screen and can handle high flow rates up to 20 litres per second. Its versatile outlet allows for installation using a flexible coupling or directly into both 150mm DWV and pressure pipe.


Gutter, Eave & “Mid” Mount
  1. Locate the position at which you will be installing your Leaf Eater Commercial rain head. Whether this is directly under your eave or midway down your downpipe, it should be a minimum of 500mm above your tank inlet and tank overflow pipe.
  2. Cut and bracket your bottom downpipe to the wall, being sure to offset it 30mm from the wall.
  3. Insert your Leaf Eater Commercial rain head into the pipe and mark the side flange fastening holes. Remove your rain head and prepare the necessary fastening points. Then reinsert your rain head and fasten it to the wall, ensuring it’s adequately supported by the wall structure.
  4. Cut your upper downpipe at an angle of 30 degrees to match the angle of your rain head’s stainless steel screen. Cut the pipe 50mm above the rain head screen and install it with a 30mm offset from the wall.


Rain Harvesting

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